December 24, 25, 2011 Christmas in Blue Lake, CA
These pictures start on Christmas Eve at the dinner in Blue Lake. The family and friends gathered and the food appeared thanks to Tisha, Jeremy, Elisabeth and my Pie. A great time was enjoyed by all.
We again gathered the next morning for presents and more food.
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Christmas 2011 |
December 19, 2011 The newest members of the US Navy
I joined the families and well wishers of eight Navy Recruits as they took The Oath aboard USS LCI(L)-1091 in Eureka. The Oath was given by US Navy Capt. Mark Neeson and the recruits were "piped" into position by Navy Bowsan Herb Wall, survivor of the sinking of USS Bismarck Sea off of Iwo Jima in World War II. It looks like we will be in good hands. I also ran across a stash of crab traps being readied for the season.
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New Recruits |
December 18, 2011 MP Welcome Home Arcata Airport (McKinleyville)
Six members of the National Guard returned home from their deployment to Iraq. They arrived home on three different flights and even though the times kept changing there was a sizable contingent on hand to welcome them home.
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MP Welcome Home |
December 11, 2011
It's time to find the perfect Christmas Tree.
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Christmas Tree 2011 |
December 10, 2011 Dance Recital
Julia performs with her dance class at Eureka High School.
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Julias Dance 2011 |
December 7, 2011, Pearl Harbor Day
I joined the folks in Fortuna, CA for their Pearl Harbor Day remembrance.
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Pearl Harbor Day 2011 |
November 13, 2011 Veterans Day Biker Run
I met up with about 120 bikers at the Arcata Veterans Hall for the short run to the cemetery in Eureka for a Veterans Recognition Ceremony. Met some friends from last year.
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Vets Bike Run |
November 3, 2011 Honor Flight, McKinleyville Airport
The last group of World War II Veterans that traveled back to Washington DC, had one of their own suffer a heart attack that resulted in him requiring a 4 way bypass. This procedure was done back in Washington DC and he is NOW well enough to return to the north coast!!! His name is Cassius Smith, he arrives home this Thursday evening November, 3 at 5:50 pm. You should arrive at the airport by 5:30 to be in place to great him!!!
Patriots, we need to be there and welcome him home with flags waving and cheers.
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Honor Flight |
October 28, 2011 Occupy Arcata
Went to the Plaza to see how the sit in was doing.
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Occupy Arcata Oct 27 |
October 24, 2011 The Lost Coast
Ferndale to Petrolia the Lost Coast. 30 miles of narrow road through trees then meadows then coast then inland to Petrolia. You can make it in less than an hour but only if you don't stop to take pictures. Petrolia is where oil was first discovered in California. It was never feasible to get the oil out and to market. Now it seems to be mostly cattle ranches.
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On the Lost Coast |
October 17, 2011 Fern Canyon
Started out for Fern Canyon this morning. I drove north past Orick and the Elk heard then eight miles of narrow pot holed dirt road to Gold Bluffs State Beach. It cost $8 to enter but there was no one at the booth and no envelopes to leave the fee. Another four miles to Fern Canyon but the road was under water so I turned back. It was a real pretty if bumpy ride and I got a few pictures.
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Fern Canyon |
October 15, 2011 Occupy Arcata held a rally in support of Occupy Wall Street. The rally coincided with the "farmers market" so I had to go and check things out. Lots of people showed up for the market and about a dozen with signs for the rally.
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Move On at Farmers Market |
Medieval Festival at Blue Lake
The Knights and Ladies came out to celebrate the season in Blue Lake. Jeremy had a booth and was displaying some of his creations.
August 14, 2011 Julia's Birthday
Julia's 14th birthday was celebrated in Blue Lake, CA.
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Julias Birthday |
July 23, 2011 A Week in Arcata
I went by Jeremy's shop to look at his new toy. It is a computer controlled router that will accept a full sheet of plywood on the deck and cut just about any shape, even does different heights so can make 3-D shapes. In the pictures he is cutting out parts to make stool's.
I took a kite to Blue Lake and gave Elisabeth a chance to fly it. It's a great way to use up some of her extra energy.
The remaining pictures are from just outside of the Seascape Restaurant in Trinidad. It is an annual stop and walking out the pier is always good for a few pictures.
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Week in Arcata |
July 17, 2011 Ann and Mary Parade, Blue Lake, CA
Light rain let up just long enough for the Ann and Mary Parade in Blue Lake.
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Ann and Mary Parade |
July 9, 2011 Woodworking in Humbolt County
I went by the Blue Ox Millworks and took a look at their park. A lot of old equipment and shops for their open house. A quick trip back to Arcata and went by the WoodFair at Almquist Lumber. Jeremy had a display that showed what they could do with their new CNC equipment. They also displayed a bar which they had just built for one of their customers. Lots of unique woodwork on display.
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Blue Ox Millworks and WoodFair |
April 24, 2011 Easter Sunday
Bill and Toni invited me over for Easter Dinner and as usual Toni outdid herself. Lanet performed the annual egg hunt and found 39 of the 43 hidden eggs. It's a good thing I was there to find the last three.
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Easter 2011 |
April 16, 2011 Salute to Veterans Parade, Riverside, CA.
Salute to Veterans Parade committee has chosen the PGR to lead this years parade. Please see updated times below. Weather is going to be great for this event. All are invited, and yes you can have a passenger in the parade if you chose to. Bring out all of your patriotic gear. Flags, flags and more flags.
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Riverside Parade |
March 6, 2011 USMC Silent Drill Team
I went out for breakfast and noticed a couple of men at one of the booths with short hair and Marine Corps tee shirts. I went over and handed out a couple of the Thank You cards that I carry. Then two more came in and I handed out two more cards. Several more came in and I passed out two more cards on my way out of the restaurant. There had to be something going on!
Next to the restaurant are a couple of motels so I went to check things out. It was the Marine Corps Band and Silent Drill Team. The drill team was warming up in the parking lot. I went over and talked to a couple of the "Drill Masters" and found that they were performing at Eisenhower High School in Rialto that afternoon. I made a couple of calls and made plans to be in Rialto.
As always their performance was flawless. Nobody does this better than the Marines.
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USMC Drill Team |
February 19, 2011 Feed The Dawgs, March Air Museum, Riverside, CA
Police and Military Dogs were the center of attraction for Feed The Dawgs. There is an area of the museum set aside to pay tribute to military dogs and their handlers.
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Feed The Dawgs |