May 16 - May 26
If you would like to participate in RFTW check the web site, pack your bags and join us.
May 28 June 2, 2012 Washington DC to San Bernardino, CA
The country is getting bigger. Each trip home seems to get longer. Stew and I started with breakfast at Cracker Barrel, after changing our route home to check on Chase Driver Stoney. His water pump gave out near Charleston, WV. He managed to get it fixed before we got to him so we continued toward Concordia, MO to deliver a bike. First night in Frankfort KY after dinner at Cracker Barrel.
Tuesday started with a typical 6:00 am start and heavy rain, lightning and thunder as we passed through Louisville on our hunt for a Cracker Barrel for breakfast. We had established a pattern. On the road at 6:00, cover about a hundred miles and find a Cracker Barrel. We crossed the Mississippi River and went by the Arch in St Louis. On our way to Concordia, MO we were passed by "Papa Mike" and talked on the CB. We stopped in Concordia and unloaded one of the bikes before heading back on the road. The day ends with finding a motel near a Cracker Barrel!
Wednesday started by going through Kansas City. I won't mention the Cracker Barrels as it is now custom. We are on I-70 and seeing the same towns we passed through on our trip east. We went from Western Missouri to Western Kansas and spent the night in Goodland and had Chinese food for dinner in the motel. We are missing the people on the bridges and sidewalks that greeted us on the trip east.
Thursday sees us pass through Denver and take on the Rockies. This is new territory for me as I have never been on this part of the highway before. The Rockies are impressive as we pass over the mountains, through the tunnels and through the ski areas like Vail. We stop in Grand Junction for the night and have to eat at Applebe's as there is no Cracker Barrel!
Friday sees us in Utah and I decide to get off of the interstate for awhile and visit Koosharem Utah. My mother lived here in the 1990's and I wanted to see where she had lived. There were a lot of changes in the town. One of the cafes had closed and there were some new manufactured "log cabin" homes. They had even repainted the overalls sign on the general store. We found I-15 and headed south to Mesquite, NV for the night.
Saturday and home is in sight only 5 hours away. Up early and on the road at 5:30. Maybe we can get through Las Vegas while everyone is sleeping? No such luck. More traffic than I expected and the Interstate is closed. GPS took us around the construction and the airport before putting us back on I-15. Breakfast at Whiskey Pete's at the state line and we are in California. Made some calls to Joe about picking up his bike and No Chute about picking up the sound system. Bill and Toni also met us at the Coco's parking lot in Rancho with cookies still warm from the oven. Unload the bike, pass the sound system to No Chute, take Stew home, put the Trailer in Capt. Ron's back yard stop by the market for bread, milk, eggs, cheese, lunch meat and some salad stuff and I made it All The Way and back again.
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Return Trip |
May 26, 2012 Washington DC
Stew and I found riders to take us to Arlington National Cemetery, the Lincoln Memorial and The Wall. We left behind some mementoes including an Australian Penney then my brother sent up, a wrist band that a lady gave me along the way as part of her making the trip, and a picture and bio of a soldier. When we returned to the hotel the "Mission Accomplished" banner was flying in the lobby.
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26May2012 Day 11 |
May 25, 2012 Lewisburg, WV to Arlington, VA
Not many events today just three legs, two fuel stops and arrive in Arlington. All was going well at the first fuel stop then the station ran out of gas! There was another across the street so the last bikes fueled over there then came back to stage for the next leg. On our way into Front Royal for the last fuel stop and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we began to hear some angry words being exchanged on the radio. It seemed to involve a Road Guard and one of our riders. This is our tenth day on the road and everyone is tired but there is no reason for what we were hearing. As we followed the bikes into the station one rider pulls his bike out of line and rides right up to the sidewalk and starts yelling at a Road Guard. Without any warning he takes a swing at the Road Guard, hitting him right below the eye. The Road Guard goes down and another shows up to calm things down. A police officer was parked nearby and the last I saw of the rider he was put in handcuffs and was led to the police car. I heard later that he was in jail, booked on several charges. The Road Guard was treated at the hospital and released with a brightly colored eye.
After checking into the hotel, my son and his wife and children came to the hotel and we all went to dinner after hugs and letting the kids look at the bikes. The kids are growing way to fast.
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25May2012 Day 10 |
May 24, 2012 Hurricane, WV to Lewisburg, WV
Breakfast at the motel then off to the water park to stage for day number 9. Follow the crowd into the capitol, Charleston, WV with a full police escort. The escort made it much easier to navigate the traffic. I saw the Viet Nam Veteran standing at the gate house again this year but couldn't get his attention. I met him two years ago and he shows up each year to salute at we go by. A quick trip through town and along the river for the ride to Rainelle and the kids at the school. A great ride through the hills and small towns of West Virginia then being mobbed by the kids asking for autographs and eyeing the bag of goodies. I sat the bag on the grass and several kids came by and looked in but would not take anything until you tell I told them it's OK. We ended up with leftovers so found a classroom and gave them the pens, pencils and extra stickers. One boy asked me "where can I put the sticker?" I told him, "put it on your car, or motorcycle, or on your little brother". He thought that last one was funny!
Drove down to Lewisburg knowing that this years RFTW was almost over. It's good knowing that we are almost there and a little sad to know that it is all about to be over.
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24May2012 Day 9 |
May 23, 2012 Corydon, IN to Hurricane, WV
Breakfast at the Waffle House! It has become a tradition even though we could get breakfast at the hotel. You need to have at least one breakfast a year at a Waffle House.
Staging and then off to the VA Hospital near Louisville. The cages have to park up the hill in back of the hospital and walk down to the main building. On the way we met a man with the biggest service dog I have ever seen. It was a Grate Dane and could pull a wheel chair. I could have used him to pull me back up the hill when it was time to leave. I am in awe of the staff and patients at each of these visits. The staff is always smiling and the patients are so glad to see us as we listen to their stories and tell them of our trip.
A quick fuel stop, Waddy, then our visit to the Kentucky Viet Nam Memorial. This is the 30 foot Stainless Steel Arm the casts a shadow on the names engraved on the floor of the memorial. The shadow falls on the name of the soldier on the day and hour of his death. On the other side of the memorial, where the shadow never falls, are the names of those still missing.
Mt. Sterling for lunch and then Hurricane for dinner. On our way into the water park at Hurricane there was a Marine in Dress Uniform standing in the roadway saluting the riders. I pulled the truck to a stop in front of him and started playing the Marine Corps Hymn with all my lights flashing. Stew got out of the truck to take a picture, then came to attention and returned the salute. The people nearby were absolutely silent as they watched this take place and wondered what would happen next. The hymn ended, the lights went out and we drove into the lot. I talked to the Marine later and he said that it almost brought a tear to his eye, it still brings one to my eyes.
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23May2012 Day 8 |
May 22, 2012 Wentzville, MO to Corydon, IN
We staged near the VFW post. It seems that I can't walk across the parking lot without getting stopped four times for questions and a couple of phone calls. I enjoy helping and know that it is just a hint of what the leaders go through. We form up and head into town to lay a wreath at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Wentzville. Last year my daughter met one of the ladies that helped design the memorial and made a connection. This year I went looking for the lady and found her and took her picture and reminded her of the meeting with my daughter.
Off to Jefferson Barracks, our first VA Hospital. The patients that can make it outside come out to see the bikes and talk to the riders. I was talking to one man and he said that he hadn't been out of bed for two weeks. Today he got himself up and got dressed so he could go out and meet us! These things remind us that we are really helping others as we make our way across the country.
As we leave Jefferson Barracks I know that we are just one lunch (Mt Vernon) and one fuel stop Evansville away from the fish dinner at the Corydon Fair Grounds. I am not a big fish person but look forward to this stop each year as it is a great change of pace and is also great fish.
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22May2012 Day 7 |
May 21, 2012 Junction City, KS to Wentzville, MO
Breakfast at Church of the Nazarene then off to Topeka. Everyone held their breath as we approached the Turnpike in Topeka wondering which way we would go this year. Trunks did a great job and skipped the tour as we took the toll road to our fuel stop. Lunch in Concordia is one of the places that I look forward to each year. It seems like everyone in town comes out to the park to make sure that we get enough to eat. Choice of meat for a sandwich, I picked ham and think I had almost half a pig! The people are friendly and it is what small town America should be like.
The arrival at Wentzville was the usual traffic jam on Old Highway Z. Stew and I cut our stay short as laundry was no longer an option. Our motel turned out to be almost 20 miles away and when we checked in found that our room was on the third floor. Oh, and the elevator is out due to the storm that went through last night! I allowed the help to carry my bags up but Stew had to tough it out. Thought we would need a medic when we reached our room. We ordered pizza and let the delivery boy climb the stairs.
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21May2012 Day6 |
May 20, 2012 Goodland, KS to Junction City, KS
It's my birthday! The sixth birthday I've spent on "The Run". Breakfast and Sunday service at the armory then Oakley for lunch. My birthday mood changed about 20 miles down the road when the traffic ahead of us started slowing and scattering in all directions. The road was narrowing from two lanes to one and there had been an accident. When I passed the accident there were already Road Guards and Chaplains at the scene. Two of our Chase Trucks stopped to help and the pack continued on. I got phone calls that they needed more help at the scene as I saw Troopers heading down the other side of the Interstate with lights and sirens. I radioed ahead but couldn't reach the pack leaders. When we arrived at Oakley I located the Route Coordinator and he sent some people back to help. I found out later that four bikes had to be trailored and four people were sent to hospitals, two serious and two critical. Later reports said there were many broken bones and one rider was air lifted to Denver. Our thoughts are with them for a fast and complete recovery for all of them.
Lunch at Oakley included steak sandwiches, fuel at Bunker Hill and off to the huge reception at Junction City. Heritage Park was jammed with people as there was a brief ceremony at the memorial then dinner at The Church of the Nazarene. The people at Bunker Hill and Junction City did an outstanding job again this year and understood our concern for the riders involved in the accident.
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20May2012 Day 5 |
May 18, 2012 Angel Fire, NM to Goodland, KS
We spent the night in the Angle Fire Lodge and packed up to go to Eagles Nest for breakfast. Stew ran across one of the Chaplains in the parking lot who was having trouble with the altitude and thin air. He thought he shouldn't be riding his bike as he was real shackey so we had a chase truck pick up his bike and give him a ride down the hill. Breakfast at Eagles Nest then down the hill to Raton. The stop at Raton with the people, the cinnamon buns, and the kids singing for was is one of the many highlights of the trip. We parade through town then head up I-25 to Colorado. The police escort races ahead and is standing at attention and saluting us as we pass the state line.
Back off of the Interstate at Trinidad where we form up for a parade through town. The streets are full of people and are playing music as we go through town. I remember one man standing in his front yard as we were leaving town. He was standing next to a flag and holding his oxygen bottle in one hand as he saluted with the other. I don't know the effort that it took for him to be there but I hope he sees this and knows that we noticed him.
We are now on two lane highways from Trinidad to Limon with reports of antelope on the radio but I didn't see any. La Junta for lunch and fuel. The gas station insisted on filling all of the support vehicles with diesel as well as fueling all of the bikes. They also gave us more water and fruit to carry along the way. Fuel stop in Limon and off to Goodland for fuel and dinner at the armory. We missed the parade as there was a report of a bike out of gas a couple of miles back. We went to help but they were gone when we got to the area so we went directly to the armory for dinner.
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19May2012 Day 4 |
May 18, 2012 Day 3 Gallup to Angel Fire.
I am beginning to get the hang of my new job as "Last Man Vehicle". It is like "tail gating" someone all day long. It is wearing in a different way than being a chase truck. As a Chase Truck you can drop back a little as long as you watch the shoulder for broken bikes. You get away from the pack when taking bikes to be repaired and can use the "cruise control" part of the time. Last Man must remain in close contact with the pack at all times. It is a huge relief to have the police escort for a couple of days as I won't have to worry about other traffic getting between me and the bikes. As always the escort is fantastic and will be with us until we leave the state. Fuel at the Casino stop then pass through Albuquerque to the Camel Rock Casino for lunch.
We head to Taos and then up the mountains to the Angle Fire Memorial and dinner in Eagles Nest. The memorial, as always, is very moving for all of our people. Lots of tears barely being held back and hugs all around. I was about to enter the chapel when Grumpy came out and we exchanged hugs. I'm still not sure whether she was consoling me or I was consoling her and will never know.
The people of Eagles Nest prepared dinner for all of us and did a great job. There was this cheese cake with strawberries on top that really caught my eye and I did manage to capture a piece of it, great.
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18May2012 Day3 |
May 17, 2012 Day 2 Williams to Gallup
Weather has been good to us, no snow and no rain. Breakfast at Rosa's then on to Winslow. There was an accident in the trike/trailer platoon approaching Winslow. One rider was sent to the hospital but was supposed to be released later in the day. No serious injuries that I heard about. It happened just a little in front of us.
As we entered Holbrook on our way to lunch we snaked around town and must have gone past every school. Hundreds of kids standing at the fences holding hand made signs and yelling "THANK YOU". The new sound system on the truck is working well and we played patriotic music and thanked the kids. Lunch at the Legion Post then off to Gallup for the 15 mile parade through town then up to Red Rock Park where the Indians performed the Gourd Dance. Very colorful dress and the location at the foot of a giant red sandstone hill was perfect.
Off to find Wal-Mart to get some underwear for me, just didn't pack enough, prep the pictures, pie next door at Denney's and sleep. What will tomorrow bring?
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17May2012 Day 2 |
May 16, 2012 We are on the way.
The countdown clock finally hit zero. I woke up early again and ended up at Dennys uploading pictures. I picked up Stew at 5:00, breakfast and on to Victoria Gardens. Meeting more old friends and new ones. Finally the horn blows, "Five Minutes!" It's time to go.
We hit the freeway and everyone begins to find their pace and take care of the early jitters. Barstow, Ludlow, lunch in Needles 108 degrees and not enough shade. Kingmen and the parade through Williams. We had a few riders and bikes that had a little trouble with the heat and a couple of tires didn't make it but we but 400 miles behind us. The parade to end the day was great and made me think that I had not spent too much money on the new noise machine for the truck. We could talk to the people on the bridges and played music for the parade. Eat, sleep, do it again tomorrow.
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16May2012 Day 1 |
May 15, 2012 Even More Preparations
The day started with a small contingent of about 75 bikes, 2 cages and my truck going to Riverside National Cemetery and ended with the annual "fill Jims truck with water!" I think I've walked about 300 miles in the hotel parking lot with meetings and trying to find or meet people over the last three days. Last night someone broke into 9 bikes and stole the contents of their saddle bags. They better hope we don't catch them!!! Fontana American Legion cooked the dinner for about 1,000 of us and did a great job. There was also a replica of The Wall, made out of cake!!
I'm packed. Lets go!
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15May2012 Even More Prep |
May 14, 2012 More Preparations
Preparations continue. My day started in San Bernardino as I packed up the truck, breakfast with Chase 1 and 2 then off to Baldwin Park to pick up some water and soda from Pepsi. Unloaded in the hotel parking lot then check out some of the new arrivals. Afternoon was the Leadership Meeting, my Chase Meeting and my early birthday dinner at Bill and Tonis.
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14May2012 More Prep |
May 13, 2012 Preparations
Riders begin to arrive in Rancho and supplies are unloaded. We are getting ready. Last night someone stole the bags off of two of our bikes in the hotel parking lot.
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13May2012 Prep |
April 14, 2012 6th Annual RFTW BBQ Fundraiser
Saturday, April 14, 2012; 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Raytheon Company
2000 East El Segundo Blvd.
El Segundo, CA
Raytheon is a huge supporter of veterans and of RFTW. This is the sixth year they are providing a RFTW BBQ to help raise funds for us.
Entry fee included lunch and raffle ticket. There was food, vendors, music, raffles, and a 50-50 drawing.
All proceeds from this event weare donated to RFTW.
It was cool and a little breezy but everybody had a great time. It is just great to see the family coming together as we all get ready to make our trek across the country once again.
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BBQ 2012 |
January 21, 2012 Ontario Reunion
Papa Mike planned a RFTW SoCal reunion at BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse, 11520 4th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730.About 50 people showed up for a nice get together and pizza. It was great to see our friends and make plans for a great RFTW 2012.
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January Reunion |