May 13 - May 24
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May 25 2009 D-Day Memorial Bedford VA
We stumbled across the D-Day memorial and made a short detour to see what it was about. It is one of nicest memorials I have ever seen.
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May 24 2009 Pentagon Washington DC
This morning we had breakfast then said goodbye to JB who has to get back home to his family in Boston and go to work. Bob and I rode the Metro to the Pentagon where we saw the 9/11 memorial. There is a bench for each of the victims of 9/11. The benches are cantilevered with only one end for support. The benches point toward the building for those who were on the airplane and point out for those who were in the building. They are also arranged in rows by the age of the victim.
We then walked over to where the bikes were assembling for the Rolling Thunder Parade. Have you ever seen close to a half million bikes in one place before? We found them.
Back to the hotel for long neglected laundry and rest before our trip home. Bob woke me from a nap to tell me that if we didn't want to load bikes in the rain we had better get it done now! I went down and gathered up the people and we started loading four bikes and a bike trailer on my trailer and in the truck. We were out loading bikes in the only hour that it rained!
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May 23 2009 Washington DC
RFTW riders are the only motorcycle group allowed to ride into the cemetery. I had been working for months to line up three bikers that would let my son, my brother, and I to ride double with them into Arlington. I had borrowed three helmets and carried them across country for this part of the trip. We staged across the street from the hotel where Bob joined up with Ralph, JB joined up with Bob, and I joined up with Bud for the ride. I ended up at the front of the pack as Bud had the large flags to lead the procession. I found out later that we almost lost JB and Bob as Bob had left his helmet in the hotel! JB ran back to the hotel to get the other helmet and they managed to catch up. It is a moving experience to ride along the boundary of the cemetery and take in just how big it is then come to a gate and have it opened so that we can enter. We rode to a parking area near the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier where we saw the "Changing Of The Guard" and RFTW was allowed to lay a wreath at the tomb.
We form up and ride into DC for the RFTW group picture on the steps of The Lincoln Memorial". We had time before the picture to go to the Korean Memorial where I left a framed copy of a news article of Mr. Freeman who is MIA from the Korean War at the memorial. I had met Mr. Freeman's brother, Elmer, in Arcata California last year. I couldn't help thinking how wonderful it had been to spend the last 10 days doing RFTW with my brother and thinking about Elmer who hasn't heard anything about his brother for over 50 years.
It is time for the picture. The whole RFTW crew found a place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. You might even be able to spot my brother and I at the very top on the right side. We are standing on the ledge above the steps.
After the picture we all headed for The Wall. As we approached The Wall I noticed last years Central Route Coordinator helping one of ours who was having a hard time approaching The Wall. A couple of other RFTW members formed up around him and gave him room and a little privacy. Last year my brother had asked me to make a rubbing of one of the names on The Wall. I did that and sent it to him in Australia. As we walked along The Wall he asked me if I remembered where the name was. I looked around and said it was about here and as I pointed, said it was about this level. There it was on the very next panel! I had heard a story of a man who went to The Wall for the very first time. He didn't want to approach The Wall but his family insisted and he walked along The Wall with his head down, not able to look at the names. Then he stopped, looked up, and pointed to a name and said, "He was my best friend". I don't know how this happens but it does.
Back to the hotel for a rest then dinner. Char and John came into town and we joined up with Ralph, Bob and Bud as they had found a place a couple of blocks away with the best Margaritas in town. As best as I can remember they were good.
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May 22 2009 Lewisburg WV to Arlington VA
The last day. We had bikes to drop off in Staunton and found a really big watering can on display in town. The dealership was putting on it's own ride to join with Rolling Thunder so the place was packed. We made it to the last fuel stop, Toms Brook and knew we had to hurry to get fuel and something to eat but there was time. We hurried through lunch and were ready for the last briefing. We looked out the window and everyone was gone! They left about 30 minutes early! We got on the road and found our way to Arlington and checked into the hotel and waited for my son, JB, to arrive from Boston. We all had dinner in the hotel and crashed early.
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May 21 2009 Hurricane WV to Lewisburg WV
This morning we actually made it to the morning meeting after a breakfast at The Waffle House but once again were called away for a bike at a hotel that wouldn't start. We took the bike into Charleston. I recognized this one! I was here last year. We unloaded the bike and took off for the capitol to hear the governor welcome us. Doughnuts, coffee and speeches. While waiting for the pack to arrive I met another Vietnam Veteran who comes to the capitol every year and salutes as RFTW arrives.
Not far out of Charleston we picked up another bike and fell behind on the way to the school at Rainelle. We passed out our token gifts to the kids and had lunch then of to Lewisburg. I tried to find a Laundromat but couldn't. Getting real low on clean clothes!
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May 20 2009 Corydon IN to Hurricane WV
I don't know how many other people have been singled out to have about 300 bikers sing happy birthday to them but I have. Yes, it is my birthday today, another one celebrated on RFTW. The day started by putting another bike on the trailer early and heading off to the Harley dealer in Louisville. We fueled up the truck and rejoined the pack at the VA Med Center.
Next stop was the Kentucky Vietnam Veterans Memorial outside of Frankfort. This is a 30 foot long stainless steel arm which is a sundial with the names of Kentucky Vietnam Veterans who lost their lives inscribed on the ground around the sundial. The names are arraigned so that the shadow of the sundial falls on the name at the time of day and day of the year when they lost their lives. It is very impressive. I also found that my brother had a small part in the design of this memorial.
We ended the day in Hurricane ahead of the pack as we had a trike on the trailer. People were out on the sidewalks waiting for the bikes as we went down the parade route with lights on and horn honking. By the time the dealer decided that they could fix the trike and we got in unloaded the bikers were already at the fairgrounds for our catfish dinner.
Bob seemed anxious to get to the hotel so we didn't hang around too long. When we got to the hotel he ran inside then made a call before getting his bags out of the truck. When I walked into the lobby there were Happy Birthday Signs, Cake, Beer and a Marine escort met me at the door. I particularly want to thank my friends Bud and Bob who went to extreme lengths to present me with mints and an apple which they stole from the front desk! It's the thought that counts.
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May 19 2009 Wentzville MO to Corydon IN
We had two bikes and a bike trailer on our trailer this morning so we got on the road ahead of the pack to drop the bikes in St. Louis then meet everyone at Jefferson Barracks, the VA Hospital. We just got a few miles down the road and traffic came to a complete stop! There had been an accident somewhere ahead of us. We called back to the staging area and let them know that there would be a long delay but the police had already told them to wait for a later departure. We were sitting in the right lane near the top of an onramp when a State Trooper came up the ramp and parked on the shoulder. He noticed the RFTW signs on the truck and came over to say hello. After a brief chat he told us to pull out and go down the onramp! Another officer was at the bottom of the ramp to direct us on our way. I can't thank the law enforcement officers all across the country for their help.
We made it to St. Louis and unloaded the bikes then found our way to Jefferson Barracks. We were the first to arrive because of the traffic and had time to go into the hospital and say hello to some of the patients. There was one man, and I wish I had his name, who was terminal with cancer from Agent Orange. His father was in the room and we got to talk with him even though his son couldn't talk. I walked over to the son and took his hand in mine and it was clear that he didn't want to let me go.
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May 18 2009 Junction City KS to Wentzville MO
Bob was feeling a little under the weather today and wanted to skip the dinner and get some rest. I insisted on taking him by the VFW in Wentzville just to see the turnout. He was impressed with the crowd that showed up including the fire trucks and scouts.
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May 17, 2009 Junction City KS
On the way to Burlington we were waved past on of our "Road Guards" whose bike was "down" on the side of the road. Last night I received a call that the "Road Guard" was Ray Savedra, the New Mexico State Coordinator, and he had broken his ankle. In spite of his injury he wanted to be at this mornings briefing. Bob and I went to the breakfast at the VFW then returned to the hotel to pick up Ray. They had saved a place for my truck near the "Sound Truck" so that Ray could hear what was going on. Several of Rays friends came by to wish him well. Now, it is time for the bikes to depart and Ray asks for his crutches and walks to the middle of the street where he can salute the departing bikes. We took Ray back to the hotel where one of his friends was getting a trailer to take Ray and his bike home.
We did get lunch today! On the way out of town we were flagged down. One of the Road Guards bike wouldn't start. A couple of riders managed to push start the bike and we followed it a couple of blocks but it wasn't running right so we loaded it on the trailer. We had seen people on the overpasses but the folks in Kansas really do it up right.
I wanted to get to the overnight stop as I had another surprise for my brother. Another of his High School buddies was meeting us in Junction City. Naturally we had picked up another bike and took it to the Harley dealer which made us a little late. Bob was involved in making a repair to the trailer when his friend called to find out where we were. The repair finished we went to the hotel. As we were checking in Bobs friend walked up and asked if Bob had lived in Perth. Bob was a little puzzled but didn't recognize his friend. When he finally caught on we adjourned to our room where they had a great time catching up in spite of not being able to buy beer on Sunday!
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May 16, 2009 Burlington CO
We started the day with one bike on the trailer as we had unloaded one the night before. At the briefing we were told of another that wouldn't start. After a couple of attempts to push start it we loaded it on the trailer. We followed the "Run" to Raton then went on to Pueblo to get the two bikes repaired. We caught the Run at La Junta just as they were ready to leave and again missed lunch! Bob had managed to feed himself in Pueblo without thinking of his older brother. We followed the Run through Limon and on to Burlington. We were waved past a bike down on the side of the road outside Limon and found out later that the rider had a broken ankle. We did the parade through Burlington then the "Chase Trucks" broke out to get fuel donated by a local power company.
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May 15, 2009 Angel Fire NM
After breakfast at Denneys we went to the staging area where Bob couldn't find his camera. Back to the hotel and return to the staging area where we were told that a bike back at the hotel needed to be put on a trailer. The bike belonged to "Krazy" our designated truck talker. Back to the hotel again - load the bike and return to staging where it is now time to get on the road. New Mexico again provided fantastic escort across the entire state. We left Gallup and just got on the freeway and stopped to pick up a white trike as the escort passed us by. We caught up at the Route 66 Casino fuel stop and made plans to take the two bikes to the Honda dealer in Albuquerque and try to join up at the fuel stop in Santa Fe. We missed lunch again! I had been using the last years route book and found that the fuel stop had been moved. We managed to find them just as they were leaving for Angle Fire. Between Santa Fe and Angel Fire we picked up two more bikes. Angel Fire was just as impressive the second time. We were both too tired and skipped dinner.
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May 14, 2009 Gallup, NM
Today went remarkably smooth except for the truck traffic on I-40. Two big rigs tried to use my lane while I was already using it! Other than moving everything on the center console to the floor and waking up Bob it worked out OK.
A school class came out to our refuel stop in Winslow and lunch in Holbrook at the VFW was great. The parade through Gallup seemed to bring out the whole city. I noticed one "squaw" in particular as she was wiping tears from her eyes as we passed. We were greeted at the plaza with Indian dancers and blessings. What a trip.
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May 13, 2009 Cucamonga to Williams AZ
My brother - Bob - and I arrived at the staging area with two pallets of water on the trailer! We found some help and soon had the trailer empty and ready for the road. The opening ceremonies went right on time as did our departure. Just a few miles up I-15 were a bunch of the PGR members and other supporters waving flags as our trek begins. As always seems to happen, the fuel stop at Barstow seemed to arrive early and our FNG's encountered their first refuel with over 250 bikes. I advised the "Refuel Team" that "California RFTW" would pay for fuel at Ludlow and got ready for the next leg. On the way to Ludlow we stopped and picked up the first of what would be 14 bikes before the end of the trip. I wrote checks to pay for the fuel at both of the gas stations and off we went to Needles and lunch. I never got lunch because there was a bike back at the gas station that wouldn't start and another with electrical problems. We put one on the trailer and followed the other to Kingman where we dropped them for repairs. I refueled in Kingman and started the last leg of the day. Thirty miles down the road we got a call that there was a bike with a "possible blown engine" 30 miles back! We turned around and found Marc a PGR member from Orange County at the side of the road. He had talked to a Harley mechanic and thought he could drive on to Williams so we followed him and missed dinner too. We found a Subway and got a couple of sandwiches then turned in. I asked my brother if RFTW was worth the trip from Australia. He said "being at the dinner was worth the trip".
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May 12, 2009 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Today the RFTW riders made a trip to Riverside National Cemetery where we met three Medal Of Honor Recipients at the MOH Memorial at the cemetery. Bob and I picked up 50 cases of water which was donated the city of Upland Water Department. Today we picked up four pallets of water which was donated by Arrowhead Water. We found "volunteers" to unload the first two pallets (a little over 4,000 pounds of water) then went back to Arrowhead to get the other two.
On the way to the "sendoff dinner" we came across our first "rider assist". One rider was having mechanical problems so we pulled over to help. We had to call No Chute as our trailer was still full of water. No Chute arrived and picked up the bike and took it to get repaired.
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May 8, 2009
My brother Bob arrived at LAX this morning from Australia. Except for him being at the wrong terminal all went well. I managed to surprise him by having Earl Phares - his old high school buddy - along for the ride. If Bob could have got off at the right terminal all would have been perfect. We then moved over to the USO where there were members of the Patriot Guard Riders to add to his welcome home.
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April 4 2009 RFTW BBQ at Raytheon RFTW XXI got started today with a BBQ at Raytheon in El Segundo California. The "Texas Truck Chaser" joined up with "No Chute" and his new trailer and sound truck and about 20 bikers in Rancho Cucamonga for the trip to Raytheon. With stops in Corona and Cerritos where we picked up more riders before the final staging at The Galleria. We entered Raytheon with nearly 100 bikes for a great lunch and presentations by supporters of RFTW. There were Gold Star Moms - WW II veterans - RFTW Veterans and FNGs with lots of questions. There are already more than 700 registered for this years run.
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