by BethieA
Why do we wait Why do we, time and time again Gather and meet for a funeral of
yet Another young soldier Faces showing sadness and Etched with the lines of
time and pain So many memories Relived over and over as we wait All of us
connected to this and To each other Whether by being brothers and sisters On the
battlefield in some long ago war Or being a veteran of the support forces Or
being the father or mother Or brother or sister or wife or husband Of someone
serving or long departed Feeling so much Things we don't want to feel again But
can never stop feeling And in waiting to pay respect and honor For another hero
We somehow are able to feel some closure Some lessening of the ache that is
always There So we wait We wait for another hearse to stop Another flag draped
coffin to emerge Stand in another flag line Pay our respects and Say our
goodbyes Then once again We wait
June 19, 2013 Veterans Without Families
Six (6) American Heroes were honored at the Riverside National Cemetery, 22495 Van Buren Blvd., Riverside, CA 92518.
The six (6) Veterans brought to Riverside by Dignity's Rose Hills Mortuary are:
Kirkland, Michael, U.S. Army, Vietnam, Age 63: Glisson, Michael, U.S. Navy, Vietnam, Age 59: McConigal, Waldemar, U.S.Marine Corps, Cold War, Age 61: Geisler, Albert, U.S. Navy, Korea, Age 78: Grady, Ted, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam, Age 76: Smith, Richard, U.S. Navy, Korea, Age 79
We will also recognize those veterans that have been brought to RNC within the past week for direct burial without final honors.
The PGR will be there to be the family for these veterans and will stand by while military honors are rendered by the California National Guard Honor Guard at Riverside National Cemetery.
“If we cannot do him honor while he's here to hear the praise,Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days,Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say,Our Country is in mourning, for a soldier died today.”
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Veterans wo Families 19Jun2013 |
May 1, 2013 Rancho Remembers
The PGR gathered at Cristies for breakfast then off to the high school. We were escorted into the gym, given coffee and donuts then the interviews started. The students were interested in our stories and we learned a little about them.
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Rancho Remembers 2013 |
April 24, 2013 Veterans Without Families
The PGR joined with the California National Guard Honor Team in rendering honors to those American Heroes brought to Riverside National Cemetery during this past week without receiving their honors.May the souls of these vets rest in peace beneath the green carpet of grass in a Nation they helped to keep free.They are not alone, we are their family.“If we cannot do him honor while he's here to hear the praise,Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days,Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say,Our Country is in mourning, for a soldier died today.”
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Veterans wo Families 24Apr2013 |
Saturday 20 Apr 2013
"To establish an annual parade in the City of Riverside which will honor
veterans of all ages and all eras."
The first Salute to Veterans Parade was held in 2006 and drew more than 100
entries from throughout the Inland Empire. Each parade thereafter became even
more successful, drawing military bands from Army, Navy and Marines Corps, and
nearly 110 units. The PGR has been involved in this parade from the beginning so
please join us as we continue to enjoy this event.
To ride both Motorcycles and Cages (cars) in the parade with all the flags,
honor and respect that the PGR can muster for our military! We have been asked
to start the parade as usual with all the Thunder we can muster, this year we
have also been asked to close the parade.
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Riverside Parade 2013 |
April 17, 2013 Welcome Home, Ontario USO
We have been invited by the Command and the FRO of this USMC Unit to welcome home several of their brave Marines who are returning from deployment, we are honored to be there!
This unit has been in combat in Afghanistan for many months and is returning to the States and deserves a Hero's welcome.
Please bring your smiles, handshakes, hugs, banners and flags and be prepared to thank them for their service and all that they do to keep us free and allow us to sleep safely in our beds at night.
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Welcome Home 17 Apr 2013 ONT_1 |
April 11, 2013 Welcome Home, Ontario USO
We have been invited by the U.S. Marine Corps to welcome home one of their units returning from Afghanistan, we are honored to be there!This unit has been in combat in Afghanistan for many months and is returning to the States and deserves a Hero's welcome.Please bring your smiles, handshakes, hugs, banners and be prepared to thank them for their service and all that they do to keep us free and allow us to sleep safely in our beds at night.
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USMC Welcome Home ONT |
April 11, 2013 Robby Reyes Memorial
The family of Cpl Robby A. Reyes, wife Candice and daughter Ava (age 4) have invited the Patriot Guard Riders to attend the one year Memorial Service for their Husband, and Daddy. Candice and family were very grateful and impressed at the turn out and support from the Patriot Guard Riders last April, Ava now age 4 still remembers all the people on the motorcycles. We are Honored that they have invited us and it would be our Privilege to be there for them and for this American Hero.
Both Robby and Candice attended Etiwanda High School in Etiwanda CA, Robby graduated in 2005, Candice followed in 2007, Robby joined the United States Marine Corps in December of the same year. Robby who was known as a wonderful, loving, and caring person married Candice Roule on November 28th 2008 after dating throughout High School, "High School Sweethearts", on March 25th 2009, their Healthy, Beautiful Daughter Ava Penelope Reyes was born.
Robby was Born March 2nd 1987 and Died April 11th 2012 at the age of 25. He was deployed March 2012 to serve on the USS Iwo Jima, He was a Crew Chief on a MV-22 Osprey, two short weeks later, the U.S. Marine Corps informed Candice that Robby had passed away when his MV-22 Osprey crashed. Also Killed alongside was Crew Chief, Cpl. Derek Kerns.
Robby is survived by his loving wife Candice Reyes, his daughter Ava, Parents Yvonne and Richard Reyes, and his siblings: Johnny, Valerie, Danny,and Tommy Reyes, also by his Mother and Father-in-law Shelly and Jeff Roule and Candices siblings Steven and Stacie.
Ava's prayer for her daddy....."ThAnK yOu FoR mY dAdY.....I LoVe YoU sO mUch".....and blows him BIG KISS.
Also note: The Chaplin for this Memorial is a Wounded Warrior, and most of you will remember the Mission for Joshua Ashley in Rancho Cucamonga last year, Joshuas family will also be in attendance.
We will provide support during the Memorial Service and a Flag Line as Ava places flowers at her daddys Memorial Brick at Freedom Courtyard at Central Park in Rancho Cucamonga. Candices hope is that Ava sees what a great Hero her daddy was, by all the Military, PGR, City of Rancho Cucamonga, and others that show up for this special occasion to honor her father.
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Robby Reyes Memorial |
April 2, 2013 A1C Mark Dovlatian, 21, USAF
We have been invited by the mother of A1C Mark Dovlatian, 21, USAF, to join her in welcoming him home! It will be our honor to do so.
Mark has been stationed in Japan since June, 2011. During that time he was deployed to the middle east for 6 months. This will be the first time his family has seen him since he left for Japan and also since he returned from deployment. Needless to say, his mom is VERY excited!
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Mark Dovlatian |
March 6, 2013 SSG Frank Vlacilek (Ret), 75, Vietnam , USA
Frank joined the Army in 1955 and spent 20 years devoted to our country until he retired in 1975. He fought in the Vietnam War and was awarded the Purple Heart twice for his bravery. After the Army, Frank worked and retired from the County of Orange and then worked for the City of Anaheim. He enjoyed fishing, cross country motoring, and did some wood working.Frank leaves behind his wife Mariann, and 3 children, Frank Jr., Patricia, and Cheryl. He also leaves behind 2 grandchildren, and several other grandchildren and great-grandchildren by marriage.
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Frank Vlacilek |
February 20, 2013 Daniel W Moseley, 93, WWII , USAAC
The family of Daniel Warren Moseley has requested the Patriot Guard Riders to participate in their loved one’s funeral services and military honors. We would be honored to do so.Daniel served in the United States Army Air Corp as a 1st Lieutenant during WWII from January 1944 to November 1945 and was a recipient of the Purple Heart. He was also a WWII Prisoner of War. After the service, Daniel worked as a Civilian Management Analyst at Norton Air Force Base, he was a locksmith, a reserve Police Officer for San Bernardino Police Department, volunteered in classrooms, and taught CPR. He was very proud of having served his country. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
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Daniel W Moseley |
Veterans Without Famlies February 20, 2013
On Wednesday 20 Feb 2013, the PGR will join with the California National Guard Honor Team in rendering honors to those American Heroes brought to Riverside National Cemetary during this past week without receiving their honors.No veterans will be coming from Los Angeles County this week.
We will also have honors for the father of Louie Perez, a regular WWII attendee. Mr. Hector Perez was a member of the Merchant Marines during WWII and was buried in 1963 without his honors.
May the souls of these veterans rest in peace beneath the green carpet of grass in a Nation they helped to keep free.
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Vets wo Families 20Feb2013 |
Veterans Without Families January 30,2013
Veterans Without Family, Riverside, CA , USMC USA USN USAF, |
On Wednesday 30 Jan
2013, four (4) veterans will be brought to Riverside National Cemetery
from Los Angeles County for burial. Dignity's Rose Hills Mortuary will
transport these veterans.
The veterans are: Lewis Chambers, age 58, USA, CW; Govan Myers, age 81, USN, Korea; David Hammond, age 63, USMC, VN; Edward Callier, age 82, USA, Korea The PGR will stand by as family for these veterans while honors are provided by the CANG honor team.
May the souls of
these veterans rest in peace beneath the sod of a Nation they helped to
keep free.
We are their family. “If we cannot do him honor while he's here to hear the praise, Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days, Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say, Our Country is in mourning, for a soldier died today.” |
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Veterans wo families 30Jan2013 |
January 21, 2013 Arthur R. Alvarado Sr., 61, Vietnam Era VET , USMC
The family of Arthur R. Alvarado, 61, USMC Vietnam Era VET, has invited the Patriot Guard to honor their loved one. Mr. Alvarado served in the USMC from 1971 to 1973 attaining the rank of LCPL. After his service he worked for Kaiser Steel in Fontana, and then went to work for Southern California Gas Company. On his off hours, Mr. Alvarado enjoyed hunting, fishing, softball and bowling. He also loved to cook.
Mr. Alvarado is survived by two brothers, Armando and Adrian, one sister Veda Cardoza, two sons, Arthur (AJ) Alvarado Jr, and David ALvardo, and two grand children, Chase and Autumm.
The PGR will stage along with the family at Mark B. Shaw Funeral in San Bernardino. We will then accompany the family to Riverside National Cemetery for Services and Military Honors.
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Arthur R. Alvarado Sr |
January 17, 2013 George A. Visnic, 72, Vietnam Veteran , USA
The family of George A. Visnic have invited the Patriot Guard to attend and honor their loved one at his service and military honors, it would be our privilege to do so.
George served in the U.S. Army from 1958 to 1964, much of it in combat in Vietnam. He never could reconcile what happened to him and what he did in Vietnam, but he always said the thing he had done best in his life was to be a soldier. He was very proud of having served and was a member of the American Legion. In civilian life he was a retired sheet metal foreman. He loved drag racing and restoring and showing classic cars, he had a 61 Corvette, 32 Hi-boy, 29 Ford Roadster and a 68 RS SS Camaro.
George is survived by 3 daughters, Lara Voeks, Valerie Gysler and Brittany Perry, and 5 grandchildren.
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George A. Visnic |